Apply Today
Heart of a Champion is proud to offer several different types of scholarships and grants. Below you will find all of the opportunities that are available.
College Scholarships
Trade School Scholarships
Teacher Grants
School Improvement Grants
College Scholarships Trade School Scholarships Teacher Grants School Improvement Grants
High School Seniors
Scholarship Application
This scholarship is intended for McNairy County seniors who are headed to college in the Fall.
Trade School Scholarship
Recognizing the importance of trades we are proud to now offer this scholarship for McNairy County seniors who are headed to learn a trade.
Faculty & Staff
Teacher Grant
The purposes of the Heart of a Champion Teacher Grants is to receive and administer funds with emphasis on the amplification and expansion of student learning.
School Improvement Grant
The purposes of the Heart of a Champion School Improvement Grant is to receive and administer funds with the emphasis on the improvement and betterment of McNairy County schools and programs.
New Opportunities
College & Career Scholarship
The purpose of the Heart of a Champion College & Career Scholarship is to help those who are continuing their education. We acknowledge that scholarships are hard to find past Freshmen year of college. We hope to help bridge that gap.